The Metamorphosis

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Memorial Weekend,

Weekend was too good to be ignored. My recent social partners have tought me one big lesson: "Always leave your options open". Actually two lessons, the second lesson is short and simple. May be that's why I almost forgot it. "Fantasize!". Memorial weekend was an excuse to practice these two golden lessons. From a month ago, I turned down all my offers. All of them were so tempting, so good to be ignored. But, I had to practice my lessons.
It was sunday afternoon, pacific ocean breeze was passing through our suite before touching anything else, I layed on a bed, buzzed from wine tasting, around me there were six more people laying on the same bed. You know the rest, don't you? (Just, don't forget the second lesson, Fantasize!)
Momy is comming tonight. Eventhough I planed to clean my home before she arrives, but I couldn't manage to do that. The trip smoked my weekend and left me no energy for the last two days. I just had enough to recover myself. Doesn't matter, Mom is the only woman that loves me even if I don't make my bed.
By the way, do you remember last year memorial weekend. Where have you been, missed you all.



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